Meditations on God's Character - a 31-day booklet with daily meditations on the character of God. Scripture is filled with passages that tell us who God is and how much He loves His people. This booklet will enable you to think about and consider all the truths regarding God’s character.
The Attributes of God - this 6-week study walks through God's incommunicable attributes (characteristics that are only true of Him) as well as His communicable attributes (attributes that we are called to reflect).
Faith Foundations - a 3-week study that covers all of the basics of the Christian faith. This study is perfect for new believers, seasoned believers who want to rediscover the wonder of their faith, or anyone who has questions about the core beliefs of Christianity.
Better Together | Discipleship Guide- a discipleship resource intended to be used as a tool to help establish and guide a discipleship relationship between two individuals or in the context of a small group. It will guide you through the discipleship relationship and provide material for you to walk through together as you pursue spiritual maturity.
2025 Prayer Calendar- a 12-month Bible study companion to help you grow in your love for God and others! Inside, you will find helpful tools and encouragement for Bible reading and prayer.
Dwell in the Word Journal - this journal allows you to intentionally reflect and absorb God's Word, with space to record the date and passage for each reading. It also includes sections to list God's attributes, take notes, and reflect on Scripture.
Is God Enough For Me? - a five-week study written to meet the discontented right where they are with biblical truth that proves in Christ we find all that we need to be satisfied in any and all circumstances.
In The Word Journal - guides you through a verse-by-verse study of a book of the Bible with daily workbook pages. The journal provides prompts to help you understand, interpret, and apply the text, as well as see the connections to Jesus and the gospel.
The Bible Study Handbook - Whether you are new to studying the Bible or a regular reader of God’s Word, the Bible Study Handbook is the tool you need to help you grow in your study of Scripture and take your knowledge of the Bible to the next level.
The Bible Handbook - For anyone looking for a uniquely beautiful, organized, comprehensive-yet-readable Bible study reference book that hits on the most important points of each book of the Bible without getting “lost in the weeds,” The Bible Handbook is for you.